Littlest Kingdoms
Paternal figures have always been a subject of interest to me. My parents separated when I was really young. The woes of the women in my family were always shared with me, from a very early age, and their pain quickly became mine. Within every new relationship, I've seen the hope for a new start; the chance of being loved as a daughter by a male figure, the possibility of having a family, and also the disappointment that have always followed. What I've found instead was indifference and the fear for my physical safety.
This collection encompasses these experiences and the figures of authority present through the course of a lifetime regardless of gender, the power they can possibly exert on our experience of selves, but also the dynamics of power between the men and the women in my life.

Oil on canvas, 8"x9", 2016, Not Available

The Provider, Oil on paper, 11"x14", 2017, Not Available

Oil on paper, 8"x5", 2017, Not Available

Oil on paper, 11"x14", 2017, Not Available

Oil on paper, 8"x5", 2017, Not Available

Oil on board, 11"x14", 2017, Not Available

Oil on canvas, 16"x20", 2019, Not Available

Oil on board, 14"x16, 2019, Not Available